Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Success Today Means Doing Things Differently - 10 Ideas to Think About

By Manny Nowak

Why are some people doing bad in this economic time, while others are doing great?

Why are some people creating tremendous success in the same business/industry that others are dying in?

Why are some businesses closing, while others are just opening their doors?

Strange isn't it?

I mean if the times are really that bad, then why aren't we all doing bad? If business is really that bad, why are my competitor's sales up 50% while mine are down 50%? How can this be? What makes it great for some and for others?

Maybe, just maybe it is all in how you look at it. The old saying, "is the glass half full or half empty"?
But more than that - are you looking at things the same way you have been for the past 10, 15 or 20 years? Are you doing the same things you have been doing?

Or, are you looking at things differently?

Are you using you mind and saying - let me try something else? Are you using that great knowledge of yours and thinking differently? Are you stepping back - getting the opinion of someone younger or someone who is totally outside your industry?

Amazing what will happen if you open up and try something different?

You see, it is not about doing what you have been doing better, longer, faster or cheaper. It might just be about doing something differently?

If you take a look at those companies today who are successful you will see that they are looking at things differently.

Here are ten things for you to think about:

1) Check the attitude at the door Dump the doom and gloom and start figuring out how to make it work. Start by coming to the realization that a bad economy mean a great time to make money.

2) Take a reality check. Forget that it has worked for 20 years - it is not working today -that is the reality? So what are you going to do differently

3) Listen to people outside your business Instead of the so called experts in what you do, ask someone who knows nothing about what you do. Take people who do not sell and ask them how they would do it?

4) Get some youthful involvement. Amazing what a little youth can do for a company where everyone has been there for 20 years.

5) Don't get sucked into what everyone else is doing - think for yourself.

6) Do some brain storming - don't judge the ideas, just make a huge list and then go back and work the list.

7) Find others who are positive and work with them. I hate to say it, but if all the people you are hanging out with are negative, start hanging out with some different people.

8) Get involved in a mastermind group Share you issues with other Help other people with their issues Let others help you with your issues

9) Get more education Instead of cutting training and education - spend more money here This gets the creative juices flowing This is what you need right now Stop holding back.

10) Get out there and network, network and network some more People do business with people they like.

This list is just my simple list to start with. Use it, add to it. Send me some ideas and we will share them with others over the next few months. manny@mannynowak.com
Just do something to move your life/career/business forward - will you please.

Manny Nowak has spent over 25 years helping people create success in their lives. An ex-marine and former top-notch computer programmer, Manny has an extensive background helping other achieve extreme levels of success. Manny is the author of over a dozen books; CD's and tools that focus on your ability to achieve greater success in all areas of your life (personal and professional). So stop hesitating - YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!